About Us

Legal Ecosystem’s (O.P.C) Pvt. Ltd., Has been incorporated on 11th September 2021 as a legal services provider company besides advocacy and consultancy provider institution. Coupled with dissemination of knowledge and awareness in various field of human Endeavour aidded; and Complemented by training and skill development with adequate managerial Concepts and practice. It is a one person Pvt. Ltd. Company; aiming at fulfillment of different objectives at different times, according to social and general needs of the people – Specially those who are stake holder’s and users of law and legal systems with special attention on legal education and justice systems.

Present Objective

Present objective is to work on efficient modes and method’s to find way’s and means for quick and Cost effective justice delivery systems in the Country with Special attention on Legal awareness amongst common people and effective education amongst Law Student’s which also includes upgradation of Legal Knowledge amongst practicing Advocate’s.